
9 Questions to Ask a Georgia Divorce Lawyer Before Hiring

Divorcing your spouse is one of the biggest decisions you can make. Selecting a divorce lawyer to represent you is almost as big. While many lawyers practice divorce law, not all of them devote themselves exclusively to divorce law. If you need advice or representation for your divorce, you should ask the following nine questions… read more

Are Divorce Records Public in Georgia?

Few people relish the idea of their personal business being made public for all their friends, co-workers, and neighbors to see. This is especially true of their divorce proceedings. Even though divorce is common, these intensely personal proceedings can reveal embarrassing facts about your relationship that you would rather keep private. This desire for privacy… read more

Can Divorced Couples Still Live Together?

Some divorce cases are incredibly heated. The spouses may be at odds about every detail of their divorce. Child custody, spousal support, child support, and property division can be contentious issues to resolve. However, some couples are amicable during a divorce. They agree to the settlement terms, so there is no fight. A couple may… read more

How To Have a Peaceful and Easy Divorce

Whenever most people think about divorce, they imagine the clichéd, messy split, one full of fights and drama. However, it’s important to point out that divorce doesn’t have to be an ugly and stressful process. There are ways in which you can try to cultivate a peaceful divorce, making it easier for you and your… read more

5 Important Questions You Should Ask Your Divorce Lawyer

Those beginning the divorce process will have many questions to start with. Whether you are filing for divorce or have been served with divorce papers, the process can be emotionally stressful and overwhelming.  To ease your anxiety, ask several key questions during your initial consultation with a Georgia divorce attorney. Five important questions to ask… read more

Can I Sue My Spouse for Defamation During a Divorce in Georgia?

Typically, a divorce is not a simple process. Even consensual divorces can be challenging to pull off. Too often, however, divorces get ugly, and accusations start to fly.  In many cases, the accusations are untrue or grossly exaggerated. One spouse might falsely accuse the other spouse of domestic violence, for example, to gain an advantage… read more

What Should I Do if My Spouse Refuses To Move Out During My Divorce?

You’ve lived in the same home as your spouse since your wedding night–and now you’re getting divorced. Most spouses would find it very, very awkward to remain living in the marital home together during divorce proceedings.  It gets even more awkward if you have children. Indeed, one of your disputes might center on “who gets… read more

How Reunification Therapy Can Support Children After Their Parents’ Divorce

Divorce can be a tough time for everyone, and it can be even more challenging for kids who get caught in the middle. When parents are always fighting, it can upset a child and strain family dynamics. In this article, we’re going to discuss reunification therapy. It’s a special kind of therapy that can help… read more

When Is a Divorce Finalized, and What Does That Mean?

Divorce, while being a significant emotional journey, is also a complex legal process. It is crucial to understand the finalization process of divorce, its legal implications, and the necessary actions post-finalization.  You may be questioning what it means to have a divorce “finalized.” This term signifies the legal end of a marriage and involves several… read more

Gaslighting: How to Recognize Your Spouse’s Manipulative Behavior

Abuse can take many shapes and forms within a marriage. Knowing how to recognize the signs of abuse, including gaslighting, can save you from years of misery and difficulty. In a situation like this, divorce may be necessary to ensure you have a better future.  What Is Gaslighting? Gaslighting is a common type of emotional… read more