Lawrenceville Domestic Violence Lawyer

Lawrenceville Domestic Violence Lawyer-368 W Pike St, STE 201 Lawrenceville,GA-30046

Are you the victim of domestic violence in Lawrenceville, Georgia? A Lawrenceville domestic violence lawyer can help you out of this dangerous situation. The safety of you and your family are too important to leave to chance. 

Crystal Wright Law helps domestic violence victims with issues such as divorce, child custody, and obtaining protective orders. We can also help if your partner is falsely accusing you of domestic violence to influence a child custody battle.

Crystal Wright Law has years of experience successfully helping clients in Georgia family law matters, helping them to find solutions for each one of their cases. You deserve to have our experienced family attorney by your side. She has experience handling Lawrenceville divorces, spousal support negotiations, Lawrenceville LGBT divorces, grandparent’s rights, and more.

Let our law firm do the legal work to protect you and your family. Contact us online today or call (404) 594-2143 for a free consultation with one of our attorneys to learn more about our legal services.

How Can Crystal Wright Law Help Me if I Am the Victim of Domestic Violence in Lawrenceville?

How Can Crystal Wright Law Help Me if I Am the Victim of Domestic Violence in Lawrenceville?

If you are a victim of domestic violence, we want you to know that you are not alone. Lawrenceville family law attorney Crystal Wright is here to help.

Crystal Wright Law, has years of experience helping victims of domestic violence. We know that abuse situations are highly sensitive. You need a lawyer prepared to offer you compassionate and steadfast representation. Avvo has recognized us with its Client’s Choice Award, thanks to our skilled representation of individuals and families in Gwinnett County. 

When you retain our law office to represent you, we will:

  • Listen to your story and goals for your situation
  • Report your domestic violence to the police — if you desire
  • File for divorce and/or a protective order to ensure your safety
  • Handle child custody disputes
  • Negotiate divorce terms, including spousal support and child support
  • Litigate your family law matters in court if necessary

We take great pride in our track record of successful outcomes and happy former clients. You are probably feeling scared and alone if you have recently faced domestic violence. You won’t feel that way for long when you hire Crystal Wright. Get in touch with us right away so we can get started fighting for you.

How Can Crystal Wright Law Help Me if I am Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence?

Sometimes partners will falsely accuse their other partner of domestic violence in order to win child custody disputes. Being falsely accused of domestic violence could impact your custody battle or family law case. You could lose primary custody of your child and have restrictions placed on your visitations. 

Some restrictions on child visitation could include:

  • Third-party supervision
  • Protected handoff locations (like a police station)
  • A ban on overnight visits
  • Signing a bond for domestic violence
  • Prohibition of substance use 24 hours prior to visitation

It is critical to head off any false allegation of domestic violence. Crystal Wright Law will push back against false allegations and build a strong defense in family court. Don’t sit back and let someone drag your name through the mud. Contact us today for your free consultation with a domestic violence attorney for legal advice. 

How Common is Domestic Violence? 

The CDC estimates that 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men are victims of domestic violence. In one reporting year, the U.S. Department of Justice found there were 2,340 domestic violence fatalities, including 1,640 women and 700 men. The same study found that children were living in the home in 38% of the domestic violence incidents against women and 21% of the homes for incidents against men. 

Do I Need a Divorce After a Domestic Violence Incident?

You and your children should not be exposed to family violence, which often escalates over time. Get in touch with our team. We can help you out of this situation through a divorce and other legal tools. 

Abuse from a romantic partner can go beyond basic physical violence. Other forms of abuse include:

  • Stalking
  • Sexual assault and rape
  • Emotional abuse
  • Controlling behaviors
  • Destruction of property

Sometimes our clients benefit from psychological counseling after they have been the victim of an abusive or violent relationship. Crystal Wright Law has the resources to refer you to an appropriate psychological counselor if you decide it is right for you. 

If you are the victim of domestic violence or abuse, one thing is certain: it is not going to stop. Sometimes victims become trapped in a cycle of rationalizing their partner’s abuse. Don’t let this happen to you. Contact our team today for your legal free consultation and learn more about our domestic violence practice area. 

How Does Domestic Violence Impact a Divorce Proceeding in Lawrenceville?

Cruelty by a spouse is one of the 13 lawful grounds for divorce in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Cruelty is defined as the willful infliction of physical or mental pain on the other spouse. This means that domestic violence is grounds for divorce. 

When you are going through a divorce that involves domestic violence, you can obtain a protective order. In a protective order, a judge orders the violent spouse not to have contact with you while the proceeding is pending.

If your partner violates their protective order, the police must enforce it. Police are far more likely to make an arrest when a protective order is involved. Protective orders are sometimes called “temporary restraining orders.” They usually start for a short-term period, but we can fight to have a protective order extended. 

The divorce process starts with a Complaint for Divorce. Property division in Georgia is based on the concept of “equitable distribution.” This means that the judge decides how property should be distributed among partners. It may or may not be an equal distribution. Moreover, domestic violence could influence the division. 

Parties must agree to terms on spousal support, child support, and child custody during the divorce process. If they cannot, they will litigate these matters before a judge.

Attorney Wright is a skilled negotiator and can facilitate peaceful mediation and agreement. On the other hand, Attorney Wright will stand up for you and fight tooth and nail to protect your rights to your property and your children after divorce. Contact us today for your case evaluation. 

Should I Report My Partner for Domestic Violence? 

In general, we always recommend reporting domestic violence incidents to law enforcement authorities. You should make the report for your protection and to create a record for divorce and child custody proceedings. 

However, we understand that creating a report is an emotional decision. We will never push you into something you’re uncomfortable with. When you hire us to represent you, you will have attorney client confidentiality pursuant to the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct.

Can I Get Custody of My Children if the Other Parent is Violent?

Domestic violence can play a large role in child custody disputes. Under Georgia law, a Judge determining custody must consider:

  • The home environment of each parent
  • Past performance of parenting duties
  • Evidence of substance use
  • Evidence of domestic violence or child abuse

The three options for custody are joint custody, primary custody, and sole custody. Evidence of domestic violence can help one parent get sole custody. 

Judges can also place visitation restrictions on one parent’s time with their children. These visitation restrictions can include:

  • Banning overnight visits
  • Third-party supervision of visits
  • Handing off kids at the police station 
  • Requiring domestic violence program completion
  • Sobriety conditions
  • Other conditions the Judge sees as necessary

Attorney Crystal Wright will pursue all options to protect you and your children from an abusive partner. All you have to do is give us a call.

Contact Our Lawrenceville Domestic Violence Lawyer for a Free Consultation

Your safety and the safety of your children are far too important. Don’t risk staying in an abusive relationship. Contact Crystal Wright Law if you are dealing with domestic violence in Lawrenceville, Georgia. We offer free consultations with our Lawrenceville domestic violence lawyers. 

Visit Our Divorce & Family Law Office in Lawrenceville, GA

Crystal Wright Law
440 S. Perry Street Suite 105, Lawrenceville, GA 30046
(404) 594-2143

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